
Managing High Potential Talent

A high potential employee is an employee who has the potential, ability, and aspiration to become a leader within your company...

Managing High Potential Talent

High potential employees are 91% more valuable to a business than non-high potential workers. These prized individuals can raise the performance bar of other workers; simply adding a star performer to a team alone boosts the effectiveness of other team members by 5-15%. Yet many businesses struggle with how to effectively identify, develop, and retain high-potential talent in their organizations.

Companies mistakenly misinterpret high performance for high potential, while others don’t address it in an analytical reliable way, relying solely on managers’ instincts or observations about who has future leadership potential.

Open-Mind's training techniques, with proven statistical and scientific approaches helps you in uncovering high potential employees, which can ensure you’re only promoting genuine high potential workers into future leadership roles, thus saving your business time, money and effort rectifying poorly-based senior appointments.

Our Office

OpenMind Management Consultancy Inc.
Surrey BC, V3T 0G6

Phone : (778) 636-6411

Client’s enquiries : info@open-mind.ca
Candidate’s enquiries: careers@open-mind.ca